When you know better, you do better…

from one wise soul to another, Maya Angelou to Oprah Winfrey

No one is born knowing how to invest. This is awesome news! It means that anyone can learn how to invest if they take the time to practice the skill. It also means that progress need not be perfect.

Much like walking, playing the piano, and mastering Candy Crush, the skills of investing must be practiced and honed before one becomes proficient at them.

I’m a huge fan of YouTube. As I was perusing the millions of videos on that platform, I came across one that was called “Vanguard or Fidelity – Which one is Better?”

And do you want to know something?

Yes, Blue Lobster. Please, tell us what you’re thinking.

My initial reaction to that post’s title was to scroll right past it. I’ve learned a little bit of wisdom on my relatively few revolutions around the sun. And one of those bits is that it’s best to just start investing, regardless of where you do so. Progress need not be perfect in order for you to achieve your dreams. Think of it this way – every journey starts with a single step but not every journey to the same destination requires the same number of steps. If a person needs to take a few extra steps to where she’s going, then she still gets there.

Focus on progress, not on perfection.

For example, we will look at the situation of an investor named One. Let’s say One decides to invest with Fidelity. (To be frank and open, I invest with Vanguard Canada. And no – I’m not being compensated for mentioning them in this blog post.) One sets up an account at Fidelity and creates an automatic transfer to have a fixed amount invested into an exchange traded fund every time One gets paid.

Superb! One has taken the very first steps towards investing for One’s own future.

Did One make the absolutely best choice for an investment account? It’s hard to say without knowing if One spent hours doing the research to determine the management expense ratios, various fees, product offerings, and account features from all of the investing companies that One could have chosen.

What we do know with certainty is that One did not delay her progress by staying in the quagmire created by analysis-paralysis. One made the smart choice by focusing on progress, rather than trying to achieve perfection. One is taking action by accepting the maxim that progress need not be perfect.

There’s no doubt in my mind that a perfect, best account does exist somewhere out there. I’m just not certain that it makes sense to waste more than 3-4 hours looking for it. The ultimate objective is to start investing your money; it’s not “to open the perfect, best investment account.” Keep your eyes on the prize! No one is going to pat you on the back for opening the absolute best and perfect investment account if it takes you 2 years to find it after sifting through all the options. The best and perfect account doesn’t actually help you if you never actually open it and make an investment.

Again, progress need not be perfect. I know a baby who has just started to walk. He’s only been doing it for a few weeks, but he’s focused on progress, not on perfection. At first, he could only stand and would fall down every time he moved his head. A week later, he could walk ten steps unaided. The next time I saw him, he would walk slowly…and drop down to crawl if he had to get somewhere quickly. (The kid’s got a great big brain and understands that sometimes speed is of the essence!) The last time I saw him, this kid was very nearly walking like a champ – moving his head, going further distances, turning around without falling down too much. In another six weeks, crawling will have long been forgotten as a preferred method of travel.

The first time you walked, you fell down after a few steps. You didn’t let that stop you, did you? No, you didn’t! Instead, you tried again and again and again and again until you could do it. Without knowing you personally, I’m willing to bet that you’re now quite a proficient walker. The same principle applies to investing.

Always be learning while making progress.

Be like a baby – save and invest your money with the perspective that progress need not be perfect!

You see, there’s nothing stopping you from continuing to research investment accounts once you’ve started investing. Save-invest-learn-repeat. You are free to keep learning after you’ve made an investment.

Again, full-disclosure, I invest with BMO Investorline. And, again, I’m not getting compensated for mentioning them. Yet just because I invest with BMO Investorline doesn’t mean that I haven’t also research Scotia I-Trade, Questrade, RBC Direct Investing, or any other investing platform/company. (I’m not being paid for mentioning these platforms.)

Further, I have no idea if BMO Investorline is the ultimate, best and perfect option for me. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I am automatically investing in very inexpensive exchange traded funds and earning big dividends every month. And even though I’ve been with BMO Investorline for years, I would switch my investment portfolio in a heartbeat if I found a platform that better suited my needs for a lower price.

If One discovers that Vanguard Canada offers a more suitable range of investments products than Fidelity, then One is not in any way prevented from moving One’s investment account from Fidelity to Vanguard Canada.

Procrastination is the enemy of progress.

When it comes to investing your money, procrastination is extremely detrimental to achieving your financial goals. The reason why it is so bad is because you have a finite amount of time in which to grow your money. Money needs to be invested so it can compound. And compounding is most effective over long periods of time. Ergo, start investing your money right now so that it has as long as possible to compound.

Don’t let analysis-paralysis stop you from taking action today!

Your progress need not be perfect in order for you to reach your goals. Lord knows that my investment path hasn’t been smooth, nor will it ever be exalted as the absolutely correct path to take. If anything, my investment story should be viewed as a cautionary tale for fellow investors. However imperfect my journey has been, the fact that I started when I was 21 and have consistently invested my money for the past 2.5 decades has been a key factor in me pursuing and achieving my goals.

Neither you nor I can get to where we want to go without making some kind of progress. So we have an obligation to ourselves to keep moving forwards. Whether that’s listening to a podcast, reading a book, following a blog, or using trial-and-error, doing any or all of these things will lead us closer to taking action. And taking action is how we will progress towards making our dreams come true.


Weekly Tip: Don’t pay for memberships or subscriptions if they’re no longer making your happy. As much as we might like to believe it, peer pressure didn’t end when we graduated from high school. Review your monthly expenses. How many things are you paying for simply because your friends are paying for them? If those things are no longer bringing you joy, then stop paying for them.