The first step to getting what you want is to prioritize your goals. You’re the only one who can decide what you need in order to live the life that you really want. The next step is to create and execute the plan to turn your dreams into your reality. The final step is to enjoy the reward of your efforts. Decide – execute – enjoy!
I’ve followed this three-step plan to achieve many goals in my life, both large and small, long-term and short-term. When I got tired of saying that I’d never been to Europe, I decided to go overseas. Between 2016 and 2019, I travelled to Europe three times. For each trip, I found a way to set aside the money from my paycheque so that I could visit Italy, Spain and Ireland. Getting to Europe was important to me so I found a way to make it happen.

One of the keys to my success was using technology to remove the temptation to spend money on things that didn’t get me closer to this particular goal.
Automatic Transfers are Your Friends
I absolutely and completely love automatic transfers. They are reliable – they’re effective – they’re simple to understand. All a body has to do is decide how much money to put toward a particular goal, and then put an automatic transfer in place. For example, if you wanted to create an emergency fund of $3500, then you could automatically transfer a fixed amount from each paycheque into a separate emergency fund account until you’d saved $3500. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy!
Once one goal is reached, you simply keep the transfer in place and use the money to go towards the next most important goal.
And you needn’t limit yourself to having one transfer. For my part, I have 4 automatic transfers in place. One is for my long-term goal of early retirement. Another is for short-term goals like travel, house repairs, birthday & holiday presents, theatre tickets, vehicle replacement, and the like. The third transfer is in place for my charitable donations. And finally, the last transfer is in place to cover the costs associated with being a home-owning adult who has bills to pay.
Once my automatic transfers go through, I can spend the rest of my paycheque however I want! My long-term goals are being funded. My short-terms goals are also getting a little love. The costs of running my house and various other bills all get paid on time. And I have money set aside for charity. The rest of the money can be squandered and I can still create the life I want for myself.
I enjoy the theatre and I go several times each year. When it’s time for me to renew my subscription to Broadway Across Canada, the money’s there. Holiday traditions are important to me since they mean time with my family and friends. Is it time to buy some Christmas presents? The money is already there. And let’s not forget those special occasions that aren’t always so predictable. Invitation to a wedding or a spa weekend with friends? The money’s waiting for me.
Sinking Funds are Key to Paying for It All
Automatic transfers are a magnificent way to build sinking funds for all of your anticipated expenses.
While we live in an instant gratification society, one of the realities of good financial stewardship is that we can’t always get what we want when we want it. Credit cards create the illusion that you’re living your best life. They allow users to buy whatever they want the very second that they want something. However, unless that person has the money sitting aside to pay the bill, credit cards burden people with exorbitant interest payments.
Credit cards don’t teach people about patience. Let’t be honest. Most credit card purchases aren’t for emergencies. For a great many people, credit is used because someone doesn’t want to wait a little bit long to buy!
If you’re serious about spending your money on the things that matter most, then take my advice. Siphon a portion of your income every time you’re paid into an account dedicated to your most important goals. Use automatic transfers and sinking funds to acquire the things that you really and truly want.
You work too hard for your money to waste it on purchases that you won’t remember 48 hours after you’ve made them. Create a financial plan for your money by telling it where to go instead of wondering where it went. Automatic transfers and sinking funds are financial tools that will help you to build the life you really and truly want for yourself. Start using them today and move that must closer to achieving your dreams.
Decide – execute – enjoy!
Weekly Tip: Don’t let websites store your credit card information. Firstly, doing so makes it that much easier for you to indulge in instant gratification purchases. The few extra seconds of typing in your information might be all you need to make you reconsider whether the purchase is moving you closer to or further from your goals. Secondly, if the retailer’s website is hacked, then your information is at risk and your odds of being the victim of identity theft go up.