Roughly 20 years ago, I landed my first professional office job. It entailed monthly meetings with my manager, wherein I updated him on my current workload. He was an amiable man and most meetings were sprinkled with little nuggets of life advice.

One of the acorns of advice that has always stayed with me is the following. “Never believe that this place needs you. Always remember that you can be replaced.”

It sounds harsh, doesn’t it? As I look back on those words, I appreciate them because they are the honest truth.

My manager wasn’t being mean or obnoxious. He was being truthful. If I hadn’t been hired to do my job, then my organization would have hired someone else. And if I had chosen to walk out at that very minute, the organization would have tackled the task of finding my replacement.

That particular acorn took root.

For nearly two decades, those words have rolled around in my head. The honest truth they embodied has been one of the underlying reasons of why I save and invest. It is imperative that my money works as hard for me as I do for it. My money must insulate me to the greatest extent possible from the financial consequences should my organization decide that it’s time for me to be replaced, that it can survive without my contributions to its operations.

If you’re somewhat sentient when this post is published, then you can’t help but be aware that a great many people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The news reports are rife with articles of the millions of people who have had no choice but to turn to the government for financial assistance to survive.

However, I suspect that there is a cohort of the Recently-Let-Go who haven’t had to ask for financial assistance. I’m willing to guess that this cohort is compromised of people who’ve worked for a couple of decades and who made the choice to live below their means throughout their working lives so that they could invest their money. I wouldn’t be surprised if this fortunate cohort has made the choice to stay out of debt no matter how often credit was offered to them. And I’ve assumed that this cohort is going to keep a tight, heavy lid on their status so that they can continue to live as they always have – social distancing & hand-washing as required – without drawing the ire of their family, friends, neighbours & former co-workers. Check out the comments on this article.

Continued employment isn’t guaranteed.

As a result of my manager’s words, I’ve always known that my employment was at the whim of someone else. Sure – I’d likely find another position somewhere else, but what if it took me a long time to do so? How would I pay for my life between one employer and the next? Even if I tried to become self-employed (something that has never held any appeal to me), how would I pay for my life before the money started rolling in?

Hearing the honest truth from my manager during a routine monthly meeting incentivized me to do all of the following things:

  • pay off my student loans as quickly as possible;
  • build my emergency fund through automatic transfers every payday;
  • re-pay the loan on my SUV in 6 months by making gargantuan payments every two weeks & by sacrificing a little bit of fun & frivolity;
  • invest a portion every paycheque in the stock market once the mortgage on my principle residence had been paid off;
  • move out of mutual funds and into exchange traded funds once I learned how deeply management expense ratios impacted my overall rate of return;
  • stay out of debt by paying off my credit cards every single month; and
  • pay cash for everything.

I know those last two bullet points sound contradictory, but they aren’t. If I don’t have cash, then I don’t use my credit cards. Once the cash is in my bank account, then out comes my credit card to make the purchase. This method means that I earn cash back or points towards groceries. The charge is applied to my account then I send a payment from my bank account to my credit card. Best of both worlds – I always pay cash while taking advantage of the perks of having my credit cards. If you can’t pay off your credit cards every month, then don’t do what I do. Only spend cash or use a debit card!

Motivation comes from unlikely sources.

It’s taken me a long time to see the link between words spoken nearly 20 years ago and the financial choices that I’ve made in my life. The honest truth from my manager’s lips motivated me to build as big a financial cushion as I could as fast as humanly possible. It didn’t happen overnight, and there were many mistakes made along the way. To this day, payday still means that a chunk of money is set aside for the future.

Another source of motivation for me comes from our current global pandemic. COVID-19 has me re-assessing whether my emergency fund is big enough. For record, I have made plans to increase it. It’s my firm belief that no one has ever regretted having “too much money” during an emergency.

In a similar vein, the money saved from staying home while most everything is closed has been re-directed into sinking funds. There are still big expenses on the horizon. Property taxes will still have to be paid at some point. My home and vehicle insurance premiums are still due in a few months. Birthdays and other celebrations might still require me to open my wallet, even if I can only visit with people via video and telephone. The annually recurring expenses of living will continue to come around, whether we’re still in a pandemic or not.

Do yourself a favour! Go back to my manager’s works and let them sink in. At the end of the day, your employer can always choose to replace you. Sooner or later, there is going to be a parting of the ways for reasons that may be beyond your control. Be proactive – take the steps today to ensure that you’ll be financially okay when that time comes.


Weekly Tip: Live below your means so that you have money to invest. This is another way of saying pay yourself first. After you’ve paid yourself, then you can get down to the business of paying everyone else.