Regret has no place in your financial plan. You’re not perfect and you will make mistakes with your money. Once you’ve identified a money mistake, don’t spend your time regretting it. Simply make a course correction to stop making that mistake and move forward. The past cannot be changed so learn from your mistakes and resolve not to make the same ones in the future.

When I started investing, I picked a dividend investment strategy. I started by buying into dividend mutual funds. Eventually, I learned about management expense ratios (MERs) and discovered that I was making the mistake of paying 10x as much for mutual funds when I could acquire the same assets through exchange-traded funds (ETFs). There was no way to recoup my time or those MERs, so I simply moved my money to ETFs. I made a course correction and moved on.

What is the point of spending time regretting choices that were made when I didn’t have the best information available to me?

Once I learned better, I chose better.

Dividends vs. Growth

A doozy of an investing mistake still hurts. I can only blame myself for this one. My belief in the wisdom of my own choices meant that I didn’t properly consider what was going on around me. I wasn’t learning the lesson, no matter how many times it was hitting me in the face…sigh…

Remember that phenomenal bull-run that was experienced in the stock market between 2009 and the onset of the pandemic in 2020? The one where the S&P/TSX Compound Index grew by 125%? The one where the S&P500 increased by 378%?

Guess who was still investing in a dividend strategy instead of investing in US-growth equities?

That’s right. Me.

It was a huge mistake in my financial planning. I had so much faith in my own choices that I missed out on a fantastic opportunity to invest over the long-term. I made sub-optimal investing choices for 11 years!!! At any point, I could’ve realized how I was missing out on growing my portfolio much, much faster… but I didn’t.

Instead, it wasn’t until October of 2020 that I finally saw that I was again missing out. I was determined to benefit from recovery that followed the pandemic-induced stock market plunge. So I course-corrected. I started investing in an equity-based, well-diversified ETF and I haven’t looked back.

Regret has no place in my financial plan. Of course I wish I had made optimal choices at every single point throughout my investment life, but horses aren’t wishes so this beggar can’t ride. I’ve done what I’ve done and I get to live with the consequences.

And all told, my choices weren’t the absolute worst ones out there. To date, I’ve been investing for 3 decades. My dividend portfolio will ensure that my retirement is nice and comfy. I chose to start young, which is always preferable to starting when old. As far as mistakes go, I could’ve done far worse.

Now, all of my investment contributions are going into the equity-based growth ETF. Its performance is giving my portfolio higher returns, which is always appreciated. I have no plans to stop investing in my ETF, even after I retire. It will continue to mimic both the volatility and growth of the stock market, which is a good thing over the long-term.

Taking a Break vs. Riding the Rollercoaster

I made another huge mistake during the crash of 2009. Instead of continuously investing, I stopped my contributions. Thankfully, I didn’t make the mistake of selling anything while the price was down! Yet, it would’ve been smarter to ride the rollercoaster of volatility during that crash. I would’ve been buying into my dividend-paying companies when they were all on sale!

Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda.

No regrets, remember? Instead, I resolved to never stop investing. As we all remember, the stock market took a huge plunge when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. Between you, me, and the fencepost, I lost a third of my portfolio’s value on paper. I know because I checked my brokerage account daily during those first few months.

Truth be told, I really don’t know how many paper losses I suffered because I stopped looking at the number after I’d lost that first third. It was too painful.

But you know what I didn’t do? I didn’t stop investing! Even though the market plunged steeply between February 21, 2020 to March 23, 2020, I continued to buy into my dividend-ETFs. And throughout the recovery between March and October of that year, I stuck to my investing schedule and bought many, many, many units in my ETFs-of-choice.

The mistake of 2009 was not to be repeated! Instead of taking a break from investing, I rode the rollercoaster of the stock market. It paid off. Buying those ETF-units when the market was down allowed me to accumulate way more units that I would have otherwise. Each of those units pays more dividends today than they did in 2020. The end result is that my monthly dividend payment is much higher than it was before the pandemic.

Secret Sauce

Like I’ve said before, the secret sauce isn’t being bright. Rather, it’s being persistent. The genius of the secret sauce is following 3 basic steps, over and over and over again.

Make the choice to invest. Then invest. And don’t stop investing.

Everything after that is simply a detail. You follow the steps, and you course-correct when you make your inevitable mistakes. Don’t waste your time on regret. There’s nothing to be gained from that activity. Instead, always remember that you’ll do better when you know better.