Author: Blue Lobster

One of the perennial questions in the sphere of personal finance is whether it is better to invest or pay off debt. The answer is nuanced and there is no one right answer for anyone. Money has to be invested in the stock market for as long as possible. Time is required so that capital […]

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You need not make every mistake yourself. There’s always the option of learning from my mistakes, or others’ mistakes, and doing better. It’s one of the better aspects of being a sentient being who can learn from the world around them. Back in 2008/2009, there was a recession. I got scared and I stopped contributing […]

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Tempus fungit. It’s a Latin phrase that means “time flies”. Truer words have never been spoken, in any language. It’s already the middle of 2022. How is your money doing? Are you on track to meet your financial goals? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then it’s time for a mid-year check-up. […]

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Way back in 2011, I started to invest in dividend funds. I started with a bank’s mutual fund, then moved my money into an index fund with an investment company, and I’ve now finally settled on a couple of exchange traded funds.*** I had a goal of creating a steady stream of passive income. What […]

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When it comes to mortgages, you never want to be underwater. Repeat after me – living underwater is for fish, not people! A person is underwater on their mortgage when the mortgage amount owing is higher than the value of the house. For example, if you have a $450,000 mortgage but you would only be […]

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