Millionaire on the Prairie

Personal finance for singles looking to finance their dreams.

When my family members moved into their new abode, they purchased a new stand-up freezer right away. They’re both avid cooks. Having a freezer meant they could take advantage of sales on meat, frozen vegetables, bread, etc… It cost them a pretty penny at the time but it seems to have paid off for them. […]

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Getting what you really, really want is hardly every easy. It can be a grind. There are going to be days when you don’t want to work for it. Chances are you shed a tear or two along the way. It might take you much longer than you’d anticipated, and there are no guarantees the […]

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Roughly 11 months ago, someone asked me to share my best tip for success with money. It took me less than a minute to say “automatic transfers”. Honestly, I really think that automating your finances is the cornerstone of mastering your personal finances. Automation is beautiful because it removes the decision from your hands. More […]

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At the time of publishing this post, there are less than 60 days left in 2024. You might want to start thinking about your dreams and goals for the new year. Whatever yours are, I’m going to suggest that learning to master your money should be one of your goals. After all, you’re the person […]

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This post is about the importance of you investing for your future, regardless of whether you have a pension. At its heart, a pension is simply deferred compensation. Your employer is promising to pay you money when you presumably are no longer able to earn a living. In exchange, you give your loyalty and service […]

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