Millionaire on the Prairie

Personal finance for singles looking to finance their dreams.

I took the lazy journey to wealth and it’s worked out well for me. Thanks to Younger Me, I’m financially comfortable and should be for the rest of my life. My parents gave me a good education, but no one would ever mistake me for a trust fund baby. They set a good example of […]

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Well, we’re already weeks into the final third of the year. Tempus fungit, which is why you should take 20 minutes or so to assess your financial progress. Is your debt decreasing or increasing? Have you added more money to your emergency fund? Did you set up an automatic transfer? Are your sinking funds in […]

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The greatest way to use credit cards comes down to 2 simple steps. In the interests of transparency, I will admit that I use my credit card all the time. Gas? Groceries? Travel? Clothing? Repairs? Streaming services? Subscriptions? Theatre tickets? Birthday presents? Electronics? Yes, yes, yes! I tap my credit card for all of it. […]

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No one – and I mean no one – fulfills their dreams without making some mistakes along the way. Making mistakes is integral to the journey. After all, how are you expected to learn and grow if you don’t have mistakes from which to learn and grow? You’ve heard me speak about my mistakes before. […]

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Over the past few months, I’ve been seeing many articles about the death of FIRE. For those that don’t know, FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. Its popularity as an idea really took off before March 2020. Since the return of inflation, not as many people have been preaching about it. For […]

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Indulge me for a moment as I pat myself on the back for hitting a pretty significant-to-me money milestone! When I was updating my various spreadsheets, I realized that I had done something I’ve only ever read about. In the first six months of 2024, the amount of dividend income that I’ve received exceeds the […]

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