As the warm days of spring roll in and push harsh memories of winter to the recesses of your memories, you may find yourself enjoying the sunshine and asking yourself: What is exactly is dollar-cost averaging?

I’m here to tell you that DCA can be a powerful tool for investors.

In a nutshell, dollar-cost averaging is a method for systematically investing your money. Investors who use DCS invest the same amount of money into an investment on a regular schedule. That schedule can be whatever the investor choose – weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or any other increment. The purchase of the underlying asset occurs regardless of the asset’s price.

There are a few of good reasons to use this investment methodology.

Dollar Cost Averaging or Lump-Sum Investing?

Firstly, the DCA strategy facilitates quicker investment in the stock market. Investors can align their investments with their paycheques. Since one my guiding financial mantras is spend-some-save-some, I make sure that a part of my paycheque is promptly & automatically re-directed to my investment portfolio.

There’s a school of thought which says that lump-sum investing is better than DCA because the entire value of the lump-sum amount is put to work in the stock market all at once. If your plan is to invest a large amount in the market, the proponents of lump-sum investing recommend that you invest the entire amount at once. Check out this article from the wise fellow at for a good discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of the two investment methods.

Theoretically, I have no quarrel with the lump-sum investment style. However, the practical reality of my life is that I don’t have large lump-sums of money lying around. I invest when I get paid because that’s when I have the money available. The money is deposited into my chequing account, then it’s shunted to my investment account, where it sits until it’s invested. For most people without large chunks of money at their disposal, DCA is a better option – in my opinion – because they can invest when they’re paid.

No Need to Time the Market

Secondly, DCA eliminates that temptation to try and “time the market.” Investors who time the market are trying to buy an investment at its very lowest price. Perhaps you’ve heard recent chatter in the system from economists about the impending recession?

What you will never hear from any of those experts is the exact date on which the recession will start. And absolutely none of them will tell you date on which the stock market will be at its very lowest point. People lucky enough to buy at the lowest point will have the best investment returns when the market recovers. Market-timers are always trying to pick the very best time to invest.

Like all investors, market-timers are trying to maximize the profits from their stock market investments. Unlike market-timers, investors following the DCA-method simply invest their money on a consistent basis. They do not bother themselves with trying to buy at the very lowest price. They’re not concerned with the very best returns. They understand that time in the market is more important that timing the market.

Automation Pairs Beautifully with Dollar Cost Averaging Investing Method

Thirdly, the power of automation complements the DCA investment strategy very nicely. If you intend to invest in the stock market, then automatically transferring money from your chequing account to your brokerage account is an excellent strategy.

Let’s say you decided to invest on the 15th of each month. Your automatic transfer will ensure that a chunk of money is in your brokerage account for the purchase. On the 15th of the month, you’ll buy as much of the asset as your funds will allow regardless of the asset’s price. Then you won’t think about investing again until the 15th of the following month. Maybe you want to invest quarterly? That’s fine too. Put the power of automation to work! Gather money in your investment account until it’s time to buy some assets. Never forget the DCA can’t work for you unless you’ve set aside some savings.

This is how I invest. Every month, I invest money into my dividend-paying investments. I don’t follow the price of my exchange-traded funds from one day to the next. Instead, I buy as many units as I can when it’s time to buy. Then I don’t think about my investments again until the dividends roll in.

Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy – rinse & repeat!

I’ve been using the DCA method to invest my money since 2011. I wasn’t interested in learning to be a wizard at picking stocks. The DCA method was easy to implement and even easier to understand. Much like every other investment method, it’s not perfect and it’s not suitable to for everyone. However, it works for me. I’m confident in this method and I’ll continue to use it until something better comes along.