Month: February 2020

FOMO – Fear of Missing Out. YOLO – You only live once. These are the catchphrases that encapsulate our relentless demand for instant gratification. We want what we want when we want it…ideally sooner. And let’s face facts – it feels really great to have our desires satisfied. Who doesn’t like immediate gratification? This week, […]

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If you’re not already aware, then let me be the first to say the following: it’s okay to keep your money! You don’t have to spend all of it. Now, you probably shouldn’t keep all of it either. After all, doing so means you won’t eat, nor have a roof over your heard or clothes […]

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When I talk about financial independence and wanting to retire early, many people look at me as if I’d sprouted a second head right in front of them. “I love my job!” they say. “I don’t want to retire!” Great! Wonderful! You’re being paid to do what you love – that makes you one of […]

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