Month: July 2020

It’s been 4.5 months since the World Health Organization declared that the globe was in the grips of a pandemic. Since then, there has been much upheaval in people’s lives due in no small part to the financial impacts of lost jobs, the inability to travel, and social isolation. What are we supposed to do […]

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House-hacking can be an amazing tool for building wealth. You know how sometimes you’re on YouTube watching one thing and then a suggestion pops up on the side of the screen? And you decide to hit play instead of scrolling past it? Well, this week held one of those so I indulged my curiosity and […]

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If I can impart one nugget of wisdom to you today, it is this. You need not make every mistake yourself in order to learn a lesson. You’re always free to learn from others. I’m not promising that you’ll avoid making your own mistakes – that’s utterly impossible. What I am promising is that some […]

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