
Short though the answer may be, it is accurate. Today is the best time to invest in the stock market.

Since the start of 2022, my portfolio has seen a lot of volatility. My personal definition of volatility is that its value has moved between $7,000 and $15,000 in one day. Some days the swings are negative, and my portfolio value has dropped. Other days, the swings are positive and my portfolio has increased. Either way, I count it as volatility. During the Big Market Drop of 2020, my portfolio lost $247,000! It might have lost more, but I simply stopped checking it at that point.

Do I enjoy volatility? Not particularly, but it doesn’t bother me very much. I’m the same as most everyone who invests – I don’t want to lose money. No one wants to lose their investment! After all, we’ve worked incredibly hard to earn the money to invest in the first place and a loss means that all that hard work was in vain.

One of the secrets I’ve learned over my many years of investing is to never lock in your losses when the market is volatile. If you buy at $10/unit, and the price drops to $5/unit, then that’s a 50% loss. If you sell when the price is down, then you’ve locked in your loss – and that’s not a good thing. The key is to keep your money invested because the stock market’s trend over the long term is to go up.

Check out this image from which visually explains why stock market investors should ignore short-term volatility. It’s a picture of a person walking up the stairs while working a yo-yo. The yo-yo’s up and down movement represents the daily gyrations of the stock market. The stairs represent the long-term upward trend of the stock market.

If you stay invested for the long term, you will be financially rewarded. Your portfolio will be bigger than your initial investment. Yay for you!!!

Now, I have to caveat that last statement. This works for equity-based exchange traded funds and for equity-based mutual funds. If you decide to invest in a single stock, then you’d better have far more insight and wisdom than I do. You’ll do what you want, but I would suggest that you stay away from individual stock picking until you’re a sophisticated investor. It is between extremely hard and impossible to determine which stocks are the ones that will make you rich over the long-term. For my this very reason, I don’t invest in single stocks.

All of my money is invested in exchange-traded funds. ETFs are very diversified because they hold a basket of stocks that have done well over time. When one of those stocks starts doing poorly, it is removed from the basket and replaced with something else. When I invest in my ETFs, I don’t need to do the stock analysis to determine which stocks are good and which ones aren’t. That analysis is done for me. I can spend my precious time doing other things I enjoy. For example, last night I tried this absolutely delicious recipe for Thai Yellow Chicken Curry instead of poring over a prospectus. My portfolio continued to work in the background while I tried my hand at something new and tasty.

Money needs time to compound. The sooner compounding starts, the bigger your money will grow. Now is a great time to invest in the stock market! War breaking out? Check! Social unrest somewhere? Check! Inflation spiraling? Check! Devastating natural disaster? Check! There will always be some world event that makes the stock market volatile. That’s just how life goes with 8 billion people on the planet. Don’t let those extremely disturbing events stop you from investing in the stock market. Money that is not invested today never benefits from compound growth. You can’t go back 20 years and start your investment portfolio. You have today so start today. Once lost, time can never be recovered.

Do Future You a favor and start investing in the stock market via equity-based exchange traded funds. Start today. Set up an automatic transfer to your investment account so you’re investing on a regular basis. Personally, I invest every month. I know others who invest every 90 days. There are those who invest once a year. The key is that the investment gets made. Once you’ve started your investment journey, continue to learn about personal finance and investing. Start where you are and build from there because when you know better, you do better.