This post is about creating cash flow by understanding ex-dividend dates. Buying a share in companies that pay regular dividends is way to creating passive income for yourself. Once invested, your money will be put to work. The dividends will come to you for as long as you own the shares. It’s a great way to create a steady cash flow for your later years, when you’re no longer will or able to send your body out to work. If you’ve sent your money out to work instead, then you have some assurance that it will generate an income for you at some point.

I am not promising you that this method of generating a retirement income will be quick. I’ve been investing for decades. While I’ve learned a lot along the way, I’m still not at the point yet where my dividends can support my current lifestyle. My first dividend payments amounted to tens of dollars per year, then hundreds of dollars per year. I’ve finally reached the point where I’m earning a five-figure amount of dividends on an annual basis. It’s comforting to have that passive income, even if I still have to rise-and-shine for my employer most days of the month.

You should definitely consider whether a dividend portfolio would be a good fit for your finances. If you need to hear an inspiring story about someone who did phenomenally well at divided investing, then please check out this 2-part interview at the Tawcan blog.

Dividends & Date of Record

Companies pay dividends to shareholders who buy their shares before the ex-dividend date. There is a date of record that entitles shareholders to a portion of the profits that are distributed as dividends. It’s a very important date to know if you’re planning to receive dividends. If you aren’t listed as an owner of the underlying security on the date of record, then you won’t be paid any dividends even though you bought shares or units in that security.

Every stock, mutual fund, index fund or exchange-traded funds that pay dividends will list their ex-dividend date on their website. Personally, I have a good chunk of my portfolio invested with Vanguard Canada in the VDY ETF. This ETF pays dividends on a monthly basis. I receive dividends based on a distribution price per unit. For the most part, I know in advance just how much money I’ll receive from this security before it’s paid to me. I simply multiply the number of ETF units I already own by the distribution price to be paid. So long as I’ve bought my units before the ex-dividend date, I can get an accurate amount of the dividends that I will receive on the payment date.

Click on the link and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There, you will find the distribution frequency for VDY. Pay attention to the ex-dividend date. If I wanted to be paid on any new purchases of ETF units, then I would have to buy those new ETF units before March 31, 2022 in order to get paid dividends on those units on April 8, 2022. This is because I have to be listed as the owner of those new units on the record date, which is April 1, 2022. If I’m not listed as an owner on April 1, 2022, then I won’t be paid for those units in the month of April. Instead, I’ll start receive payment for those new units in the following month.

As I said earlier, companies pay dividends to those who are listed as an owner of the underlying security on the date of record.

Creating a Cash Flow of Passive Income Takes Time

Knowing the ex-dividend dates of the securities that you’re buying will help you to forecast your cash flow. Once armed with this information, you have the ability to know exactly when you’ll be receiving your passive income.

In the interests of transparency, I can advise that I spent years and years investing in dividend-paying ETFs. (In October of 2020, I tweaked my investment strategy and have been investing new contributions into VXC.) My two dividend ETFs of choice are VXC and XDV. As with VXC, the link for XDV will disclose its distribution dates and amounts. Both of these ETFs pay me dividends every month.

I track my purchases on a spreadsheet. Each month, I update my spreadsheets with the distribution price. This way, I’m able to calculate how much passive income I’ll be earning. It’s awesome! Unlike the money from my 9-5, these dividend payments are effort-free money. Contributions to my portfolio that were made 10 or more years ago are still churning out passive money for me.

When I was a child, my parents purchased bank stocks for my brother and I. I still own them today. Those stocks have paid me dividends for decades. I just wish my parents had been wealthy enough to buy me more! Now that I’m at my current stage of life, perhaps I should do that for myself.

Procrastination is your enemy

When it comes to investing, procrastination is a cancer. It slowly and irrevocably eats away at the potential growth of your portfolio. Your money must be invested in order to work its hardest for you. Creating a steady, reliable cash flow based on dividends won’t happen through wishing and hoping and good thought. You need to actually invest the money then leave it alone to do its thing.

If you let procrastination win, then you’re not investing before the ex-dividend date. That means you don’t receive your dividends until the following month. At the start of your investment journey, you might be missing out on a few cents or maybe just a dollar. Big deal, right? It is a very big deal. The sooner you receive your dividends, the sooner you can re-invest them through a dividend re-investment plan aka: DRIP.

While you’re building your dividend portfolio, you want to earn dividends as soon as possible. They can be re-invested with your regular contributions so that the following month’s dividend payment is even bigger. Compound growth is a key to increasing your dividend payments every month. If you invest after the ex-dividend date, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Now, I know that you can only invest when you have the money in hand. This is why I suggest that you set up an automatic transfer so that a chunk of your paycheque is diverted to your investment account. Doing so means that you have money to invest. Sometimes, the transfer will take place after the ex-dividend date. While this is unfortunate, it’s also out of your control. You cannot invest what you don’t have.

By the same token, procrastination is entirely within your control. I don’t want you to set up an automatic transfer and just let the money accumulate. If it’s not invested, then your money isn’t being given the opportunity to grow. When you’re interested in pursing cash flow through passive income, then you need to be investing your money in dividend-paying securities as soon as you can. I do my investments every month, but you may want to do your investing quarterly or every other month or once a year. Whatever you choose, ensure that it’s result of your choice and not the result of procrastination.

As with everything you learn in life, you have the option of how to put the lesson to use. If you want passive cash flow, then start today. Get your money invested. Buy your securities before the ex-divided date. Then go about your daily life while your dividends do their thing in the background.