Tag: Dreams

Getting what you really, really want is hardly every easy. It can be a grind. There are going to be days when you don’t want to work for it. Chances are you shed a tear or two along the way. It might take you much longer than you’d anticipated, and there are no guarantees the […]

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I just learned about “rage applying“. Apparently, it takes place under the following conditions. When you don’t like your current work environment, you apply for a new job. Trust me when I tell you that this is a new name for an old idea. No one has invented anything new by slapping a new moniker […]

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Well, the first week of 2023 is in the bag. Either you’re one week closer to your dreams or you’re not. No need to share your response with the class, but which one is it? Personally, I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. Any day of the year is a great time to make beneficial changes […]

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The boring middle… I’ve come across this phrase several times in the past two years while perusing various personal finance sites. It refers to the period of time between setting a long-term goal, such as financial independence or retirement, and achieving that goal. From my own experience, it’s an apt term to describe the slog. […]

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The first step to getting what you want is to prioritize your goals. You’re the only one who can decide what you need in order to live the life that you really want. The next step is to create and execute the plan to turn your dreams into your reality. The final step is to […]

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