Tag: Grocery shopping

Remember how I’ve talked about the money-saving magic of your kitchen? Well, I’ve upped my game. You see, I really hate grocery-shopping. It’s a recessive gene. I know this because both my mother and my brother love grocery shopping, and even my father didn’t mind doing it. My mother loves it so much that one […]

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Today, I read a Twitter thread about inflation and its impact on money. So many people feel that their paycheques are not going as far as they did before. Their net income is going to shelter, groceries, and utilities. Yet, they feel that it’s harder and harder to survive from one paycheque to the next. […]

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Yes… it’s true. I’m a Single Person who loves to watch YouTube videos about people – almost always women – who do huge grocery shops and create videos about it. Since the Pandemic, and before I found these videos, I thought I was buying lots of food when I went to Costco. I’d buy two […]

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