Last week, someone in the Twittersphere asked people to share their best money-making tip.

Mine was simple – cook at home more.

I’ve never hidden the fact that I consider my kitchen to be a magic money-maker. A few hours each week in the kitchen means that I’m not spending money on over-sized portions of food that might not be as healthy for me as the marketers would like me to believe. I have the benefit of eating whatever I want, and who wouldn’t love that?

At the same time, groceries are cheaper than eating out. Going to the grocery store instead of a restaurant or drive-thru window means that I can put more of my disposable income towards making my dreams a reality. Achieving the goals I’ve set for my finances while still eating well… that’s two birds with one stone, as far as I’m concerned.

So today, I’m sharing some of my favorite recipe sources with you. (Sadly, I can’t share all of them since I don’t want this to be 10,000 word blog post.) Put yourself into the mood to save some money by feeding yourself, then click on the links that follow.

First off, I have to mention Dinner Then Dessert. This is one of my favorite recipe websites. Lots of pictures – many useful tips – suggested recipes that are equally delicious! Most importantly of all, this blogger doesn’t waste your eyeball energy on scrolling through some back-story for her recipes. You can get right to it and start cooking!

If memory serves, Smitten Kitchen was one of the very first websites I started following for recipes. I liked the name because it rhymed a little bit, and because it featured desserts that reminded me of childhood. I’m still looking for one of my very favorite Bavarian apple tart recipes, but this one from SK’s website has very much piqued my interest.

Pinch of Yum is also a familiar favorite that I enjoy going back to time and again. The recipes on this website are packed full of vegetables so the dishes are colorful and drool-worthy. I always feel like these recipes deliver on all my daily mineral and vitamin requirements, which is something that is very, very important.

YouTube is a treasure trove of cooking tutorials. I have spent many an hour watching cooks, chefs, and everyone in between creating some of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten. One of my newly discovered channels is called Cooking With Claudia. I followed her recipe for creamy garlic butter chicken and potatoes… The extra exercise is well worth the added calories of this dish. It’s divine and makes for very tasty leftovers the next day!

A couple of weeks back, I tried to make some pie dough… It did not go well. And while I managed to flatten it into a disc for the freezer, I’m sure I’ll have to doctor it with some more water and flour when I go to actually make a pie. I wish I’d found this video from Nana’s Cookery before I’d started my Pie Dough Project. Although, truth be told, I’ve lived long enough to realize that either you’re born with pie-hands or you’re not. There isn’t a “no-fail pie crust” in the world that has worked in my kitchen.

Fear not, Gentle Reader! I will continue to try my hand at making pie dough because, although my pie crusts aren’t perfect, they’re still very tasty.

Now another great video channel I absolutely adore is Babish Culinary Universe. This gentleman has in incredibly soothing voice. Watching his video about cinnamon rolls was a treat for the eyes. And I’m not embarrassed to admit that I was drooling as I watched his video about sticky buns. When the pandemic is over, I’m going to get together with several friends so that we can grow larger together while devouring these delicious delights. Not even I can justify eating 12 cinnamon or sticky buns by myself… and I haven’t yet found a recipe for making just one!

Maybe you’re a fan of carbs. (And who isn’t, really?) If so, then check out Savor Easy… where they bake up all kinds of delicious breads. One of my favorite aspects of this channel is that there’s very little talking. It’s all music and visuals…and delicious things for your tummy. Soft and fluffy condensed milk bread, anyone?

You need to eat. I suggest you eat well. It’s something you should be doing several times a day so it’s in your best interest to enjoy it. Get the maximum enjoyment of your food while stretching your dollars as far as possible! Start by cooking and baking for yourself.

We’re still in a pandemic, and it’s not always fun to eat alone as a Single One. I get it. Believe me when I say that I understand. Where I live, dining in restaurants is currently not an option. However, I have access to screens in my house. There’s always the option of a videochat over a nice meal. It’s definitely not the same, but it is way better than the drive-thru.

And look on the bright side. We are so very much closer to the day when the pandemic is in the rearview mirror than we were just a few short months ago. And I’m willing to get that you’ll agree with my prognostication that there will be an extraordinary level of socializing when we finally reach herd immunity. Use your pandemic-time to learn how to cook & bake. I promise that you’re going to love sharing all the recipes you’ve mastered with those nearest and dearest to your heart when the pandemic is finally over.