Tag: Money-saving magic

When my family members moved into their new abode, they purchased a new stand-up freezer right away. They’re both avid cooks. Having a freezer meant they could take advantage of sales on meat, frozen vegetables, bread, etc… It cost them a pretty penny at the time but it seems to have paid off for them. […]

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Remember how I’ve talked about the money-saving magic of your kitchen? Well, I’ve upped my game. You see, I really hate grocery-shopping. It’s a recessive gene. I know this because both my mother and my brother love grocery shopping, and even my father didn’t mind doing it. My mother loves it so much that one […]

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I have to admit that it sometimes takes me a very long time to learn lessons that should be obvious. One of those lessons is how the kitchen can be used to significantly cut food costs. Today’s lesson, Gentle Reader, is about the money-saving magic of my kitchen. At the end of last week, I […]

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