This week, I was very sad after reading an article in the Walrus about how so many people in Canada go hungry on a regular basis.

The article reminded me that being able to eat every day is a privilege that I take for granted. I have enough money so I can go to various grocery stores and buy the food I need to eat three good meals each day. I have money to go to restaurants with my friends. I have sufficient funds to eat fast food when I’m too lazy or too disorganized to have done my meal prep. I have money and, therefore, I have food.

However, eating shouldn’t be a privilege accorded only to those with money. Without food, people die. It’s that simple.

There are many reasons why people don’t have money, why they can’t afford to feed themselves. Unemployment, mental health problems, evictions, rental increases, homelessness, family conflict… These are just a few examples that readily spring to mind. Regardless of the reasons for lack of money, that article from the Walrus made me question if we, as a society, are really willing to let people starve to death for lack of funds?

I don’t have the answer to that question, nor do I have any particular wisdom on how to eradicate the pervasive presence of poverty. My purpose with this article is to encourage you to think about what you can do today to minimize the risk of starvation becoming something that you have to face.

First things first – be grateful. If you have food, shelter, family, health, then you’ve already been blessed with what’s most important. Be grateful for what you have and never take your situation for granted.

After reading this blog for some time, you know that I’m a huge advocate of squirrelling away your money. Yes, it’s important to enjoy each day as it comes but not if it means spending every penny you have. You don’t know when the next emergency will hit, when you’ll get sick, when you’ll lose your job, etc…

The time to save for tomorrow’s emergencies is now. Money is the buffer between you and many bad situations. Money in the bank gives you options when you need them most. Having money in the bank means you can survive between employers, between contracts, between assignments, between paycheques. It means that you can continue to live somewhere with a kitchen and a fridge and a stove and a place to store the food that you will be cooking for yourself. Having money set aside means that you’ve created a bigger gulf between yourself and a situation where you don’t know when you’ll next have something to eat.

Once you’re in that situation, it’s very hard to get out of it because you’re too focused on daily survival to make plans for the future. Take my advice – start now!

I want you to calculate your personal per diem, ie. your daily cost to survive. Track all the money you spend in a month then divide that number by the days in the month. For example, if you spend $3000 per month, then your per diem is $100/day.

Then figure out how long you think it would take you to find another source of income if you lost your current one. Double that timeframe! Finding good paying positions – whether through freelancing, self-employment or working for others – isn’t easy. Be conservative! Assume that it will take longer than you expect and plan accordingly.

Then look at how much money you already have set aside in a savings account. How many days could you survive off what you’ve saved?

Having per diem money put away is your safety net. It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, that the more money you have then the stronger your net.  Per diem money will help you to avoid the risk of starving if your income disappears for a time.

There is no perfect fix to the issue of poverty. However, there are steps you can take to lower your risk of falling into a poverty so deep that you cannot feed yourself.

As a Singleton, there isn’t another breadwinner in the home to supplement your income. It’s all on you, which is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because you don’t have to save as much money. It’s a curse because you do have to build and reinforce your safety net all by yourself. It’s my experience that the unexpected expenses of life still crop up while you’re building your cash cushion. It won’t always be easy but you’ll have to find a way to save money and also have funds to cover unexpected items without relying on debt.

The cash cushion won’t be built overnight. Depending on how much disposable income you have, it could take you weeks, months, or years to set aside a big ol’ bucket of money. Do not let that deter you! Trust me when I say that this is a goal worth pursuing – no matter how long it takes!

Never ever forget that money is the barrier between you and poverty.