I’m sharing the following bit of wisdom respecting the mortgage cash account. I don’t think this is a particularly good option for mortgage-holders, but I’m trying to keep an open mind.

The Mortgage Cash Account

My bank holds the mortgage on my rental property. I make bi-weekly payments on my rental property because I want to have it paid off sooner rather than later. By making bi-weekly payments, I’m prepaying my mortgage. Essentially, I’m paying it back faster than required under my mortgage contract.

The mortgage cash account is the accumulation of those extra payments. It’s a visual reminder of how much principal I’ve repaid since starting my bi-weekly payments.

The account is also a visual temptation to spend that money. My bank spins this account as a good thing. They tell me that if some kind of emergency crops up, then I can withdraw money from my cash balance account and that money gets added back to my mortgage. In short, the mortgage cash account allows me to get my extra payments back at a moment’s notice.

Why the Mortgage Cash Account is generally a Bad Idea

At face value, it sounds like a good benefit. In reality, it’s not. This option works best for the bank because it means that I can go back to paying the maximum amount of interest on my mortgage loan. This is not a good thing for me, nor any person who wants to be free of their mortgage debt as fast as possible.

The reality is that I can use that money to go on vacation, buy lollipops, or set it on fire. The money doesn’t have to used for an emergency. There is no obligation to use it on a new roof, or a sewer line repair, or to remove downed trees from my property. The bank doesn’t care how I use that money – they only care that I eventually use it so that they can charge me more interest on it.

Do you see how this could be an impediment to achieving my goal of being mortgage-free? Is it as obvious to you that the bank’s goals are adverse to mine?

Let’s be very honest – most people will simply spend the money from the mortgage cash account on whatever they want. However, if the goal is to pay off the mortgage ASAP, then people should not be spending their prepayments and simultaneously increasing the size of their mortgage!

Emergency Funds are the Better Option

Again, the emergency fund is for emergencies. This is the little bit of wisdom that I want to share with you. No one should be in the position of having a mortgage without also having an emergency fund in place. When the emergency hits, and it eventually will, you shouldn’t be looking to your home to cover the expenses resulting from the emergency.

If you’ve used your emergency funds to pay off the emergency, then you need to re-organize your priorities so that you replenish your emergency fund as quickly as you can. Easy? No, not really. Necessary? Yes, definitely! You always need an emergency fund, no matter what. So do what you have to build one and to keep it funded.

Taking money from your mortgage cash account means increasing your mortgage balance. It means that all your hard work to make prepayments to save on the interest is vitiated. Don’t do that to yourself! If getting rid of your mortgage is a priority, which it should be, then do not use your mortgage cash account. Instead, build and maintain an emergency fund while you’re simultaneously paying off your mortgage.