This post is going to be short and sweet. If you’re new to the world of personal finance, the following gems are the building blocks of wealth. If you’re an old hat at the mastery of money, then I would ask that you forward these greatest hits on to anyone who might need them.

If I knew more, this post would be much longer. I don’t know as much as I wish I did, but I’m still learning. These old chestnuts will get you well on your way to a place of financial stability. I’ve written them down for you but it’s up to you to put them into practice in your own life.

Pay yourself first – always.

I don’t have too much more to say on this point. If you don’t pay yourself first, then you’ll never have money for investing. There might be money leftover after you pay everyone else, but it’s highly unlikely. Most of us don’t have anything leftover to save before the next paycheque rolls in. If you pay yourself first, then you can spend the rest and you’ll have the comfort of knowing that you kept a little something back for yourself.

Emergencies don’t make appointments.

(Credit for the insightful phrasing of this bit of wisdom goes to Patrice Washington.) You need an emergency fund so start building yours today. In my humble opinion, this kind of fund needs to hold atleast 6 months worth of living expenses. No one has ever regretted having too much money on hand during an emergency.

Automate your money.

This means setting up an automatic transfer to fund your priorities. Needs come before wants, but wants are prioritized too. You’ll need an automatic transfer to your emergency fund so that life’s little surprises don’t require you to live in your overdraft or to carry credit card balances from one month to the next.

The next automatic transfer you’ll need is to your retirement fund so that you’re saving for Old You. A portion of each paycheque must be saved for the day when you stop working. You cannot assume that you’ll be wholly in control of when you retire. Time flies and Old You will be here in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. Do what needs to done today so that Old You has sufficient money tomorrow.

Track your expenses.

Yes, you know where this is heading. I want you to keep track of your money. What gets measured, gets managed. This is an old adage that I heard around the office and it has always stuck with me. If you want to know where your money is going, then you have to keep track of it. You’re a Singleton so you’re the only person who’s spending your cash. If you don’t keep track of it, no one else will.

Invest in an equity-based exchange-traded funds.

There are low-cost investment products that allow you to put your money to work in the stock market. While you’re busy figuring out the”best way” to invest, your money might as well be working hard on your behalf in the interim. This is money that you’re setting aside for retirement and long-term goals. In other words, this is where you put the money that you won’t need for atleast 5+ years.

Never stop learning about investing. Don’t get cocky! You’re not an expert, and you don’t have a magic touch. Investing in ETFs is a way for you to get profitable exposure to the stock market, without relying on market timing or picking the next Netflix. There will be volatility and I want you to ignore it. Just keep investing and compounding your money over a long period of time while you continue to learn.

Only spend your money on what brings you the most joy.

Unless I’ve been seriously misled, each of us is entitled to have some fun & pleasure in our lives. This greatest hits list would be incomplete if I failed to acknowledge that money is also meant to be spent in order to create joy for ourselves and for others. I’m not talking about mindless consumerism or rote daily purchases.

I’m talking about the special treats, the little extra something that makes you feel special. It’s something different for all of us. Whatever yours is, make sure that you’re spending some of your money to acquire it.

So there you have – the short and sweet list of the greatest hits of personal finance according to the Blue Lobster. Do with it what you will!