Two people I’ve been following online for the past few years – Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung – wrote a fabulous book called Quit Like a Millionaire. You should read it sooner rather than later. (And let me be very clear, right up front – I am not being compensated by anyone for this review.)

Kristy and Bryce are also the masterminds behind the magnificent blog called Millennial-Revolution. And while some of the tidbits of the book have been disclosed on their blog, I can assure readers of MR that there’s so much more to their story that they haven’t already divulged online.

Their story is great for a variety of reasons. To start off, Kristy came from poverty. Her parents immigrated to Canada when she was young and she’s worked very hard to achieve her current success. I can’t tell her story as well as she can. However, this is a very accomplished woman whose initial idea of wealth was having a single can of Coca-Cola. Kristy has worked her ass off to earn her wealth!

Another thing I love about Kristy & Bryce’s story is that it’s a great example of how living below your means and wisely investing in the market can propel you to financial independence very early. Despite the volatility that they faced during their initial years, they stuck to their plan to invest in equities to achieve their goal of early retirement. Did I mention that they retired at age 31?

I’m not trying to blow smoke. Their means were more than adequate. Both of them graduated with engineering degrees and, together, they were earning a six-figure income within a year of graduating. Unlike the majority of people who start earning big-money after graduating, this dynamic financial duo chose to save very large chunks of their paycheque and to invest it in the stock market.

Show of hands – are you saving big chunks of your disposable income? Or have you made the choice to spend every penny you make?

Do what you want! It’s your money after all. I’m simply going to tune you out when you complain that you don’t earn enough to do what they did. You’ll need to show me your expenses and your income if you want to convince me that you can’t live below your means and invest for long-term growth. Knowing where your money goes is the first step towards controlling it.

That’s another beautiful element of Quit Like a Millionaire! Kristy and Bryce tracked their expenses for years, and then they disclosed them in the book. In other words, they laid bare the money choices they made each year to live the life they wanted while pursuing financial freedom. Not every blogger does this so I give them kudos for being so transparent. Even though they were making bank as DINKs, they never lived on more than $51,000. And you want to know what’s even crazier?

They spent $51,000 shortly after graduating from their engineering program. Every year after that, their annual spending went down while their incomes continued to go up!!! This is a couple who understood the perils of lifestyle inflation and fought against it, hard. They continued to live cheaply while still traveling, investing, and enjoying life with their friends. Kristy and Bryce didn’t become hermits or give up anything that really, really mattered to them. They prioritized their goals and made sure that their money was funding their dreams of attaining early retirement.

Kristy and Bryce also made the wise decision of finding a crusty but trustworthy financial advisor who helped them invest their money when they decided not to follow the herd’s example. Kristy and Bryce earned their early ticket to financial freedom, in part, by not yoking themselves to a huge mortgage. (Again, I’m not endorsing Garth Turner. No one is compensating me for mentioning him or his blog. I’m just stating the facts as I understand them. If you want to work with a financial investor, then I encourage you to do your due diligence to ensure that you pick the right person for the job.)

Another magnificent feature of this book lies in the appendices. Kristy & Bryce teach you the formula for creating a spreadsheet that tells you when you’ll reach your own Financial Independence number.

Oh, come, Blue Lobster! Everyone already knows how to do that!

Well, excuse me! I’ll be the first to say that I didn’t know how to create such a spreadsheet. However, I know now and that means a little bit more knowledge to help me reach my goals. I was contemplating using some of my savings to pay off my rental property, but thanks to Kristy and Bryce’s formula I now realize that doing so would set my retirement date back by a couple of years. As they do on their blog, Kristy and Bryce’s Quit Like a Millionaire will teach you stuff that you might not already know.

A new year starts in a few days. Much ado is being made about the fact that a new decade also starts in a few days. So, if you’re looking to make some changes in your financial life, then you should do yourself a solid. Take a few hours to read this book and figure out for yourself how to Quit Like a Millionaire.