Very recently, I learned that dear friends of mine had opened an investment account for their child who had recently turned 18 years old. My reaction was one of happiness because my friends are nurturing the seeds of intergenerational wealth for their family. The intent is to help the offspring build the habit of investing for the future, to have money in place for a down payment in 5-10 years, and to start retirement planning early. Helping their child today improves the odds that their grandchildren will also have a measure of wealth at some point.

Since the child is only 18 years old, a little will go a long way. As a matter of fact, steady contributions of as little as $50 per month can generate a big cash cushion 5 decades from now. Thats assuming the money is left to compound for the long-term goal of retirement. If the money is spent on a down payment, or other life expenses, then obviously the final amount will be smaller. The more withdrawals that are made, the smaller the final amount.

Earlier is better when it comes to investing.

I’ve never accepted the premise that it’s unwise to start saving small amounts in your teens & 20s. While those are supposed to be years of “carefree youth”, my view is that those years should not equate to carelessness with money. The two need not go hand-in-hand. Starting to invest early is rarely a bad idea.

To my way of thinking, the most important thing is to build the habit of saving and investing. I agree that $50 isn’t a life-changing amount of money. However, the contribution amount likely will not stay at $50 forever. At some point, the amount will increase to $75, then $100, then $200, and possibly more. Once it’s invested, the money will be working non-stop in order to maximize compound growth. How is that a bad thing?

Practicing good money habits is a key factor to succeeding with money as an adult. It’s never too early to build good habits in this area of your life.

It’s true that the 20s and 30s are expensive years for many people. Pursuing an education, buying vehicles, starting families, maybe even buying a home – these are all costly endeavours. I’m not here to argue otherwise. That said, the 20s and 30s are also the very best years for starting to invest. Most people have time on their side when they’re this young. Compound interest works best over longer periods of time.

Not the First Step

Allow me to be clear. My friends’ choice to set up their 18-year old with an investment account isn’t the first step in building intergenerational wealth for their family. I would say it’s the second-last step, or maybe the last step in their plan.

The first step was to set a good example of how to live below your means. My friends had certain priorities for their family and those got funded first. Debt did not become a permanent fixture in their lives. Every month, they paid the full balance on their credit card bills. They used the word “No” so that they could stick to their financial plan. Yet they still travelled as a family. My friends’ children all participated in extracurricular activities. The family built many great memories together and with friends, all while attaining their dreams and goals.

My friends’ next step was to start a registered education savings plan when their child was born. The RESP was fully funded every year. They knew that they only had 18 years before the money would be needed to pay for post secondary education costs. As soon as they could, they started saving for those expenses.

The third step was to pay off their mortgage when their child was in junior high. They did it by making extra lump sum payments where they could, maintaining a budget, and employing a little bit of delayed gratification. They worked hard to eliminate their four-figure monthly debt, aka: mortgage payment.

Between what’s in the RESP and their former mortgage payment, my friends’ child will not have to take on student loans to pursue post-secondary education.

Starting adulthood without student loans is a wonderful leg up on the journey to wealth. No student loans and a decent-sized investment account upon graduation from post-secondary education? Now, that’s an even better advantage! One could even call it a super-power… if one were so inclined.

If you’re lucky enough to be able to spare $50 or $100 per month before the major costs of young adulthood land on your shoulders, then take advantage! Start investing small amounts while you save for other goals. I’m not suggesting that you never have fun. Life is meant to be enjoyed at every stage, so enjoy it! However, I’m urging you to also realize that you also need to pay heed to Future You.

My friends’ offspring is being given a golden opportunity! How many of us wish we could’ve started investing sooner? Or had been encouraged to learn about personal finance in high school?

Even if your parents didn’t do this for you, find a way to do it for yourself.