Author: Blue Lobster

This week, I heard a very sad story about how seniors in Canada are becoming increasingly impoverished as they age. They don’t have enough funds to support themselves in their dotage. Here’s the link to the article. I’d encourage you to read it for yourself. Here’s one of the main take-away’s from the article. If […]

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Lately, I’ve been seeing the phrase “your relationship with money” all over the place. What is that? Clarification is required. How can you have a relationship with money? It will never remember your birthday, tuck you in at night, check on you to see how you’re doing, worry about your health, or care about your […]

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It is ridiculously easy to incur as much vehicle debt as much as possible – aka: more than absolutely necessary – when buying a new set of wheels. You simply have to do the following three things: borrow as much as you possibly can, get a really high interest rate; and pay the absolute lowest […]

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This post is going to be short and sweet. If you’re new to the world of personal finance, the following gems are the building blocks of wealth. If you’re an old hat at the mastery of money, then I would ask that you forward these greatest hits on to anyone who might need them. If […]

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The older I get, the more I think about the ideas that have guided my life’s decisions up to this point. I ruminate on whether some of the ideas that I’ve held dear for a long time are still good enough to follow, or whether they’ve led me to a place that I’d rather not […]

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