Tag: Investing

When I was younger, I was convinced that student loans are an anchor. I believed that the best course of action was to eliminate them as soon as humanly possible. Full stop – no further discussion needed. Paying off student loans ASAP was a sign of being a mature adult. One did not carry debt […]

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The question often arises about whether it’s better to invest your money or to pay down debt. My position is that you should do both. The reality is that the younger you are, the more time your money has to compound if invested. From the tiniest acorn did the mighty oak grow, and all that. […]

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In a perfect world, you would have started saving with the first dollar that you ever received, i.e. birthday money, paper route money, graduation money. You would have gone to the bank – or your parent would have taken you – to the bank and you would have opened an account. Then you would have […]

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Raise your hand if you’ve found some surprise money in your bank account this past month! While a great many people have lost their jobs, those who haven’t might have noticed that there’s definitely extra money in their bank accounts. This is called surprise money because most people are surprised by how much they normally […]

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When you know better, you do better… from one wise soul to another, Maya Angelou to Oprah Winfrey No one is born knowing how to invest. This is awesome news! It means that anyone can learn how to invest if they take the time to practice the skill. It also means that progress need not […]

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Two people I’ve been following online for the past few years – Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung – wrote a fabulous book called Quit Like a Millionaire. You should read it sooner rather than later. (And let me be very clear, right up front – I am not being compensated by anyone for this review.) […]

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I think I’ve made a money mistake. According to the personal finance blogs that I follow, the stock market has been on a bull-run since 2009. A “bullish” stock market is one where the stock market is rising. A “bearish” stock market is one where the stock market is falling. Since 2011, I’ve been busily […]

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