Tag: Goals

When you know better, you do better… from one wise soul to another, Maya Angelou to Oprah Winfrey No one is born knowing how to invest. This is awesome news! It means that anyone can learn how to invest if they take the time to practice the skill. It also means that progress need not […]

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Such a simple question, isn’t it? “Can I afford it?” At first blush, it seems ridiculous to even ask the question. It’s a yes or no question. Either you have the money or you don’t. Appearances can be deceiving. Having the money is only the first part of the equation… Okay, Blue Lobster – just […]

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Based on my own experience and decades of observation, I am convinced without a shadow of a doubt that priorities guide how we spend money. To paraphrase Paula Pant at www.affordanything.com, every spending decision you make is based on priorities because choosing to spend on one thing means that you’re not spending on something else. […]

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