Tag: Spending Choices

The third wave of personal finance is about living your best life. New books and blogs are coming out that encourage people to figure out how they want to spend their time once they have achieved financial independence. The personal finance realm is no longer solely about working super-hard for a fixed number of years […]

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There are lots of ways to find happiness. Playing with puppies. Mastering a difficult musical piece. Finally accomplishing a goal that means a lot to you personally. However, I like to talk about money in this space so I’m asking you to consider whether your spending is making you happy. For the record, I want […]

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Based on my own experience and decades of observation, I am convinced without a shadow of a doubt that priorities guide how we spend money. To paraphrase Paula Pant at www.affordanything.com, every spending decision you make is based on priorities because choosing to spend on one thing means that you’re not spending on something else. […]

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