Tag: passive income

Passive income is my favourite kind. If there’s an easier way to increase my cash flow, then I haven’t found it yet. Generating passive income takes a modicum of effort on the front end, then time does the rest. You will make money while you sleep. It can’t get any easier than that! When I […]

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Way back in 2011, I started to invest in dividend funds. I started with a bank’s mutual fund, then moved my money into an index fund with an investment company, and I’ve now finally settled on a couple of exchange traded funds.*** I had a goal of creating a steady stream of passive income. What […]

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I’ve been a big fan of Garth Turner, who blogs over at Greater Fool, for a few years now. He’s a big proponent of creating cash flows for retirement. Towards that end, he has written many, many persuasive posts about why people should sell their homes, invest the equity, and live off the investment income. […]

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