People like to talk about their salary when asked about how much they earn. This is hardly surprising, since annual salary is nearly always a larger amount than what you take home. Net income is what you received after taxes and deductions have been subtracted from your gross salary. Whether you get direct deposit and […]

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***** First off, I am not a licensed financial advisor. I don’t hold any of the designations and I’m not an expert in telling people which investments are best for their particular situations. This post is about what has worked for me. It is in no way a guarantee, warranty, or promise that my chosen […]

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As you may know, I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. To my mind, if something is good for me, I should start doing it today if it’s in my power to do so. Waiting for some arbitrary date on which to implement something beneficial seems a little… stupid. Delaying means that I’m continuing […]

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