Tag: Financial Independence

No one – and I mean no one – fulfills their dreams without making some mistakes along the way. Making mistakes is integral to the journey. After all, how are you expected to learn and grow if you don’t have mistakes from which to learn and grow? You’ve heard me speak about my mistakes before. […]

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Over the past few months, I’ve been seeing many articles about the death of FIRE. For those that don’t know, FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. Its popularity as an idea really took off before March 2020. Since the return of inflation, not as many people have been preaching about it. For […]

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Passive income is my favourite kind. If there’s an easier way to increase my cash flow, then I haven’t found it yet. Generating passive income takes a modicum of effort on the front end, then time does the rest. You will make money while you sleep. It can’t get any easier than that! When I […]

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Truer words have never been spoken. When it comes to investing your money, procrastination is also robbing your wallet. See – it’s like this. If you invest $0 today, then you’ll definitely have $0 tomorrow. On the other hand, if you invest something, then you’ll have way more than $0. The more you invest, the […]

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Future You is going to be rich or poor. The choice is yours. This post is aimed at those folks who fall between the two ends of the financial spectrum. It’s not for those who are already uber-wealthy, nor is it for those who are living paycheque-to-paycheque. Rather, I’m aiming today’s words at the ones […]

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Most investors are interested in a definitive answer to question of when is the best time to invest in the stock market. And for good reason. After all, no one – and I mean no one – ever wants to lose money. We work very hard for our paycheques. It stands to reason that you […]

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Yay! The time has finally come. You’ve opened your brokerage account and you’re ready to start filling it with money-makers. It’s time to ask yourself if you want dairy cows or beef cattle? Steers are grown to become beef. You buy the calves, grow them up, then send them to slaughter. If you’re very lucky […]

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Truth be told, retirement is a bank balance. People commonly think that of retirement in terms of an age. Traditionally, it’s been age 65 and lately it’s been cropping up to age 70. For a little while in the 90s, age 55 was the catchy second half of a very successful marketing campaign called Freedom […]

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