Millionaire on the Prairie

Personal finance for singles looking to finance their dreams.

I’m going to take a leap of faith and assume that, if you’re reading this, then you also wish that you made more money. You work hard – you’ve got bills – there are things you want to do with your money. However, it seems like there’s never enough money to go around. You’ve applied […]

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Two thirds of 2021 are in the rearview mirror. You should probably spend a few minutes figuring out if you’re doing what you want with your money. have you built a solid-sized emergency fund? if you’re in a toxic work environment, have you bought horrible-boss insurance? are you investing for the future while also living […]

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During my time on this little blue ball we all call home, I’ve learned a few things. This blog is about personal finance so I’ll limit my comments here to that topic. Today, I’d like to take a look at credit cards. Many people attribute negative associations to these little plastic rectangles. It’s easy to […]

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One of the biggest downfalls of the online personal finance community is the lack of balance. I suppose that’s partly due to the fact that we’re all competing for eyeballs on the screen, and extreme headlines garner more attention. It’s unfortunate though. I think more people would be willing to consider pursuing FIRE if they […]

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With age comes wisdom…or so they say. Speaking from personal experience, I can say that my wisdom is arriving in dribs and drabs. For their part, the birthdays arrive at a seemingly more frequent pace. I’ve made plenty of money mistakes, but I’ve finally learned to go beyond the letter “A”. Blue Lobster, what the […]

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This week, I celebrated my birthday. Sadly, no one told my beloved SUV. Instead, I took my vehicle to my trusted mechanic because I needed an oil change and thought that changing an air filter might assist with a little acceleration problem I’d been experiencing. Instead, my SUV walloped me with a $2,900 estimate! That’s […]

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Even though I’m not a parent, I find the topic of intergenerational wealth fascinating. It makes perfect sense to me that parents want to help their children succeed. Parents with wealth are able to give their offspring a boost with so many of the costs of starting adulthood. This week though, I was surprised to […]

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