Tag: Retirement

When I was growing up, my parents always encouraged to be a professional. I was told to aim for dentistry, medicine, and law. My parents wanted me to be a professional so that I could always create a job for myself. They knew, and wanted me to understand, that working for someone else meant that […]

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If I can impart one nugget of wisdom to you today, it is this. You need not make every mistake yourself in order to learn a lesson. You’re always free to learn from others. I’m not promising that you’ll avoid making your own mistakes – that’s utterly impossible. What I am promising is that some […]

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Not a single one among us is born knowing how to use money perfectly. Our skill with money comes from making mistakes and learning from them. For my part, I’ve made several notable mistakes with money over the years. I’ve written before about how I failed to take action with my investment plan for 5 […]

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I think I’ve made a money mistake. According to the personal finance blogs that I follow, the stock market has been on a bull-run since 2009. A “bullish” stock market is one where the stock market is rising. A “bearish” stock market is one where the stock market is falling. Since 2011, I’ve been busily […]

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There’s no one perfect way to become financially savvy. Yet, I can promise you that you won’t obtain the knowledge you need unless you start today. There are very few people in your life who will care about your financial health as much as you do. If you’re lucky, your family will take it upon […]

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This week, I heard a very sad story about how seniors in Canada are becoming increasingly impoverished as they age. They don’t have enough funds to support themselves in their dotage. Here’s the link to the article. I’d encourage you to read it for yourself. Here’s one of the main take-away’s from the article. If […]

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This week, I had the pleasure of reading a fantastic article about saving for financial independence and early retirement that was written by Mr. Tako of www.mrtakoescapes.com***. In this magnificent article, Mr. Tako discusses his surprise that anyone would view his choices as “hardcore” on his pursuit to financial freedom. By following his own plan, […]

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